02 January 2017

We're back, bitches!

How long has it been, now? Four years? Five? Doesn't matter.

Well, kiddies, decisions were made. After so long away, we here at M&C are back.

And by that, I mean I am back. Fucking yay.

I really would have liked to make this a more meaningful post, but right now, I simply don't have it in me. So, here's the basic rundown.

Yes, we are starting from scratch. For whatever dumb-fucky reason, I opted to end the previous incarnation of this project in a scorched earth manner. That means all past articles are gone; I never bothered to keep any copies off of the site. This also means the layout will be "under construction" for some time.

So, while that's a bit of a negative for me, it also means I could rehash a few old topics with a new spin. It's my area, after all, and I'll use it as I see fit.

How long will this one last? A fair question that I don't have the answer to. However, in the years away, I noticed that there were a lot of things I wanted to rant and rave about, but didn't have the means to do it. Now, once more, I do.

So, here's me; ready to spit my vile vitriol and venom on the world a second time.

...later, though.

For now, have some NEW YEAR'S CUPCAKES! (Though you could make these year-round without all the fanciness, if you really wanted to.)
Source: Momtastic

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